Like all popular frameworks available in market today, OAF encourages use of declarative objects. The declarative objects are stored in XML. Following XML files are created in OAF:
- UIX Pages and Regions.
- OAF Personalizations
- BC4J Substitutions (EO, VO Substitutions)
- BC4J Components (Eo.xml, VO.xml, AM.xml, AO.xml, VL.xml)
First 3 types of xml files are stored in separate database called MDS.
4th type is directly deployed in BC4J Container.
MDS stores all information about the UI and Personalizations. Substitution is equivalent to Site level Personalization.
Metadata is data about data, data describing data.
Service is unit of work as part of business process written to a specification.
MDS stands for Meta Data Services and it is the declarative metadata repository used with OA Framework applications. It replaced the older AK Repository.
MDS is normal Oracle Database which contains metadata related to all seeded OAF pages in Oracle Applications. By storing Pages and Regions information in database, framework allows page attributes and properties to be changed easily via Personalization.
Why is it called a Service?
MDS is delivery of XML on demand.
OA Framework Page, Personalizations, and BC4J substitutions are stored and managed in MDS.
The meta data for Personalizations and Custom Pages/Regions can either be in the form of XML files on the file system or stored in the MDS repository. All the seeded UI components are present in MDS directory on product top. By exporting meta data into XML files on the file system, you can easily move those files to another system or simply login to a different environment and import those XML files to a new database instance.
Please note: OAF UI and substitution declarative components are retrieved from the MDS. Even though the xml files may exist in the EBS file system, they are not the objects that gets executed.
JDR_UTILS is a PL/SQL package that allows you to evaluate the list of personalization documents that are in your MDS repository.
Following are 4 tables in the MDS Repository:
Table | Details |
JDR_PATHS | Stores document paths, packages and there parent child relationship. Primary Key: PATH_DOCID |
JDR_COMPONENTS | Stores components on documents and OA Framework pages. Primary Key: COMP_DOCID, COMP_SEQ |
JDR_ATTRIBUTES | Stores attribute/properties of components on documents and OA Framework pages. Primary Key: ATT_COMP_DOCID, ATT_COMP_SEQ, ATT_SEQ |
JDR_ATTRIBUTES_TRANS | Stores translated attribute values of document components or OA framework pages. Primary Key: ATL_COMP_DOCID, ATL_LANG, ATL_COMP_REF, ATL_NAME |
Every Metadata definition of Page or Region is called document.
Following are few queries to understand the above tables:
select distinct path_type
DOCUMENT (for pages and regions)
PACKAGE (for packages/directories path)
select *
where path_name = 'HelloWorldPG' ;
where path_name = 'HelloWorldPG' ;
-- Get familiar with the table structure, path_type will be 'DOCUMENT' for this record.
select *
where path_docid = <path_owner_docid from query2>;
where path_docid = <path_owner_docid from query2>;
-- This record will point to the parent package/directory.
select *
where comp_docid = <path_doc_id>;
where comp_docid = <path_doc_id>;
-- This will query components of the DOCUMENT. There are no records for a PACKAGE type.
select * from JDR_ATTRIBUTES
where att_comp_docid = <path_doc_id>
and att_comp_seq = <sequence id of component whose properties you wish to check>;
SELECT jdr_mds_internal.getdocumentname (paths.path_docid) document_full_path,
-- Fully Qualified personalized document name
paths.path_name, -- Actual name of xml file
-- PACKAGE indicates directory, DOCUMENT indicate xml file.
-- This query will always retrieve DOCUMENT
--attrs.att_comp_seq, -- Always 0 because we are retrieving only page (top level)
--attrs.att_name, -- Name of Attribute in personalization xml file
-- Here we are querying for att_name = 'customizes'
--attrs.att_seq, -- sequence at which attribute is occuring
attrs.att_value -- value of the attribute here it'll be path of actual page
from JDR_PATHS paths,
where paths.path_docid = attrs.att_comp_docid
-- This query will not fetch path_type= 'PACKAGE'
-- As there are no jdr_attributes records for packages
and attrs.att_comp_seq = 0 -- sequence value 0 indicates parent
and attrs.att_name = 'customizes' -- indicates personalized documents,
att_name = 'customizes' will always have att_comp_seq = 0
and paths.last_update_date > to_date('01-JAN-11','DD-MON-RR')
-- Personalizations done in 2011
and jdr_mds_internal.getdocumentname (paths.path_docid) like '%/function/%'
-- All Function Level Personalizations;
-- Fully Qualified personalized document name
paths.path_name, -- Actual name of xml file
-- Since All Personalized document reside in a package
-- path_owner_docid will always point to a PACKAGE.
-- Path type is of two types PACKAGE and DOCUMENT-- PACKAGE indicates directory, DOCUMENT indicate xml file.
-- This query will always retrieve DOCUMENT
--attrs.att_comp_seq, -- Always 0 because we are retrieving only page (top level)
--attrs.att_name, -- Name of Attribute in personalization xml file
-- Here we are querying for att_name = 'customizes'
--attrs.att_seq, -- sequence at which attribute is occuring
attrs.att_value -- value of the attribute here it'll be path of actual page
from JDR_PATHS paths,
where paths.path_docid = attrs.att_comp_docid
-- This query will not fetch path_type= 'PACKAGE'
-- As there are no jdr_attributes records for packages
and attrs.att_comp_seq = 0 -- sequence value 0 indicates parent
and attrs.att_name = 'customizes' -- indicates personalized documents,
att_name = 'customizes' will always have att_comp_seq = 0
and paths.last_update_date > to_date('01-JAN-11','DD-MON-RR')
-- Personalizations done in 2011
and jdr_mds_internal.getdocumentname (paths.path_docid) like '%/function/%'
-- All Function Level Personalizations;
because ATT_COMP_SEQ = 0; Result will ATT_NAME, ATT_VALUE pairs as mentioned in the first xml tag of the file.
Below is first xml tag from the HelloWorldPG from R12:
<page xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:user="" version="" xml:lang="en-US" file-version="$Header: HelloWorldPG.xml 120.8 2006/05/25 13:15:58 atgops1 noship $">
For att_name = 'customizes' Att_seq is always 3, please check the 4rd attribute (count starts with 0 like arrays in our programming languages) from the below xml tag (This xml tag is from the personalization file of HelloWorldPG) :
<customization xmlns="" version="" xml:lang="en-US" customizes="/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/toolbox/tutorial/webui/HelloWorldPG">
very informative.
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ReplyDeleteA very rare and well written,focused document.