Importance of Unlearning

One of the better advises I got while attending my first ADF training 5+ years back is to unlearn first.

Oxford dictionary defines "Unlearn" as:
discard (something learned, especially a bad habit or false or outdated information) from one’s memory.

There is also a well known saying that if you bring past into the future, it kills all possibilities.

Earlier TV used to be called Radio with pictures. Radio programs are supplemented with running commentary because expressions, movement of actors was not visible. Older TV programs also used to be supplemented with running commentory though not needed.

The intention here is not to carry the knowledge of existing technology as a baggage while learning new things. One must explore new features, flexibility, abilities that new technology/framework brings with itself. It is not advisable to compare existing technology/framework components/code snippets with new one.

I realized that the best way to learn ADF is not to continuously compare it with OAF. I understand comparisons are inevitable but don't bring them too soon. The questions like "I used to do some x work this way in Java controller of OAF, what is equivalent of this in ADF?" shouldn't come too soon while learning. First one should develop the understanding of the ADF Framework, realize its power and then draw comparison. 

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